Getting Started
- Add your favourite courses
- Add your player(s)
- Add the rounds for each of your players
Adding Courses
Go to the Courses tab and press the + button to add courses.
AMCR is the Australian Mens Course Rating also referred to as the ACR or Australian Course Rating. The AMCR/ACR must be set for each course.
AWCR is the Australian Womens Course Rating and if configured is used for female players in HandiKeeper. If no AWCR is configured then female players will use the AMCR.
Set the Par for the course being played. Sometimes this is different to the ACR. The Course Par is needed to correctly calculate “Played To” when a Stableford score is entered.
Adding Players
Go to the Players tab and press the + button to add players.
Enter the players name, select their favourite or local course and select an image from the Camera Roll.
If Male Player is turned off then the AWCR is used for all handicap calculations when configured for a course.
Qualifying Mode should be enabled for players who haven’t previously had a handicap. After three rounds have been entered, the standard qualifying calculation is applied to these rounds where the two rounds with the highest differential of those three rounds being deleted and replaced with the same differential as the lowest scoring round. No alteration to entered rounds is made when Qualifying Mode is disabled. While Qualifying mode is enabled, no handicap will be displayed until the third
round has been entered.
When displaying rounds for a player, a green dot is displayed next to the rounds that are used in the handicap calculation. Only the best 10 of the last 20 rounds are included in the calculation.
Adding Rounds
Go to the Rounds tab and press the + button to add new rounds.
Select the player, the course the round was played on and the date of the round. If the course is available in the list then the configured ACR will be used for calculations. If the course isn’t available then None can be selected for the course in which case the ACR must be entered manually. Alternatively enter the course as a new course.
Gross Score is the actual score shot. In stroke play this is the actual number of strokes. In Stableford and Par competitions you calculate the Gross Score by using the course par, the handicap played off and the number of shots above or below your handicap.
Use the Calculate Gross Score button to enter the Stableford score for the player along with the handicap they played off and the Course Par to automatically calculate and prefill the Gross Score for a player.
If the round was played allowing Tee Up through the Green (which means you can tee up everywhere on the course including the rough) then select that option. This subtracts 2 strokes from the ACR as per the standard handicap calculations.
The maximum men’s and women’s handicap values in the settings cap the handicap used for a player. Any calculated handicap exceeding these values is set to the maximum value. This allows your social group to specify a maximum handicap.
The number of rounds to display is used for the Rounds Tab and displaying the rounds for an individual player. To see more than the default 20 then set it higher.
HandiKeeper supports three forms of handicapping.
- Use the Best of 8 Method chooses the modifications to the Australian Handicap scheme introduced on the 21/9/2011. These include using the best 8 of the last 20 rounds played, a 0.93 multiplication factor instead and capping the handicap differential to 40 for men and 50 for women.
- Use the Best of 10 Method for the Australian handicapping scheme prior to 21/9/2011. This uses the best 10 of the last 20 rounds played and a 0.96 multiplication factor. There is no capping of the handicap differential.
- Custom Method supports a scheme for specifying a percentage of rounds to use for calculation and your own mutliplication factor. The number of rounds is calculated using the percentage and then rounded up. For example, if there are 5 rounds played and percentage is 50, then the result is 2.5 which is rounded to 3 so 3 of the 5 rounds will be used for the calculation. These rounds are then averaged and multipled by the multiplication factor.
Exporting Data
HandiKeeper can export data for backup purposes and for player review if required. The export functions send comma separated variable (CSV) files as attachments in an email to one or more email addresses.
The following data can be exported:
- A list of players and their details (including handicaps)
- A list of all rounds recorded in the application
- All reounds for a specific player
- The SQLite database used on the iPhone to store all data
The database is for future backup and restore implementation
Handicap Calculations
All handicap calculations in this application conform to the “Australian Mens and Womens Handicap System” published by Golf Australia (
The version used for publication is 27 April 2010
Predict Handicap
To predict your handicap using your expected “Played To” score, go to the Player Details tab and select the Predict Handicap button. You then enter the number of strokes above the ACR that you expect to shoot that day. Do not enter a gross score or a Stableford score here.
Contact Information
If you have any ideas or feedback on HandiKeeper then please contact us